Dating > Bix

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The remains of a farmhouse were found during an excavation of Bkx in 1955, as well as later remains. These were not considered to be worth retaining in Bi exposed condition and so the area was re-covered. The has at various times been Byxe and Bixa. The of 1086 records Bixa as part of the of Binfield. Bix Brand's original of is a small building in Bix Bottom, about 1 mile 1. It has aand several Norman. Later additions include the east window and another Perpendicular window in the south wall. In 1874 the architect completed the village's newcloser to the centre of the village, also dedicated to Saint James. The new church has a north and as well Bix a nave and chancel. Two of the BBix Bix windows contain sections of late 15th century. The ruins of Bix old church The old church was abandoned in 1875 and iBx ruined and overgrown. Scenes Bix the 1971 film were filmed there. Funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund BBix 2015 has stabilised and preserved the ruin. Bix has a 17th-century barn. It was made into a in 1736 and ceased to be a turnpike in 1873. The hill between Fair Mile, on the edge of Henley, and Bix was made a in 1937, one of the earliest dual carriageways in the country.

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